Retreats, Private Catering and Supper Clubs

As well as fresh, tasty, convenient food weekly, I also cater yoga retreats, business lunches, plus brunches, lunches and dinners for private clients and their friends and family.

Please get in touch with details of your event and we can work together to create a simple and delicous menu with plants at the centre.

Meat & Vicky's Kitchen

I make plant-based meals for weekly delivery to help people make sustainable choices when they're at their busiest. I personally limit the amount of meat I consume, and make sure that what I do eat is sourced locally from a reputable butchers where I can find out about the provenance and life of the animal I'm eating and the respect it's been shown.

Whilst I do cater meals that include meat, plants will always come first on my menus. I encourage customers to consider a menu with a broad range of plants, herbs and spices to diversify and excite their plate.

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